For Guys & Dolls we stock beautiful, bright paintbox-coloured gangster suits, as well as vibrant chorus costumes. We have a full set of Mission costumes for men and women in burgundy with gold braiding, and different options for the Havana segment. The Hot Box Dancers will have a range of options at Molly Limpet's for both Take Back Your Mink (royal blue beaded, black w/ rainbow, or cerise pink satin) and Bushel and a Peck (mixed colour ginghams or pink ginghams).
As this show is also becoming more popular with youth groups/schools, we can offer age-appropriate Hot Box costumes too.
Please note that we are only able to offer Guys & Dolls for hire as a complete wardrobe i.e. all changes for all charcaters as per our costume plot. Ours is a designed wardrobe that works coherently when hired as a whole.
CONTACT US HERE if you would like to book an appointment to visit to discuss costumes for your forthcoming production of Guys and Dolls.