Molly Limpet's carries a wardrobe for Shrek Jr, in addition to two wardrobes for Shrek (full licence). In 2021, we designed and produced a wardrobe that caters to the Jr version of the Shrek costume plot, with sizing produced for ages 16-18 (principals) and age 14+ (ensemble/fairytale characters etc).

The title is licenced through MTI - you can get more information about licensing the show at their website just here.

For more information about the Shrek Jr wardrobe you can contact us here or send an email direct to You must include your company name and performance dates in the enquiry. Useful to know also is the age range in your cast, and approx cast numbers in the ensemble.

Please note, we cannot accommodate dual-casting. We don't currently have any images on file of this show due to Child Protection preventing release of images, but the wardrobe follows a similar aesthetic - and the same superior quality - of our main Shrek wardrobe, viewable here.